Explore & Discover!

USA Program City Study&Tour offers endless learning opportunities and great possibilities. The journey with USA Program City Study& Tour provides our participantswith an exciting way to learn about and experience new cultures & places.
USA Program conducts 11-daycity tours to participants ages 12 and up that will immerse them into the culture of each location visited.We use our own teaching methodology to instruct participants during thetours about the local culture and history. It is an educational and entertaining tour.
Participantswill be fully prepared by the USA Program Team Leader regarding each exciting site that we visit. Every tour includes a visit to the most famouslocalsite.
USA Program provides arrival and departure orientation, all local transportation, hotel accommodations (3 stars and up), all meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner), medical/hospitalization insurance coverage, and tour site entrance tickets.
Our most popular USA Program City Study&Tours and locations are:
Also, USA Program will customize our tour schedule to meet the needs and desires of our participants. We will make a tour schedule for any specifically requested location and/or provide subject specific tours, such as Christian based tours, sports themed tours, family tours, senior age tours, etc.
Email us at [email protected]